The Stories that Matter: 2015 Technology Trends that Most Impact Our Species

A must-read. This article frames the conversation around what we think will be the key things that will evolve in 2015.

Above the Fold

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It’s January, and that means by now most pundits have shared their predictions around the biggest technology trends that will emerge this year. A few months ago, Gartner shared its list of the most transformative technologies of 2015, along with the ones that should command the most budget among B2B buyers. Prognostications abound around consumer digital trends, and many others have shared what they think 2015 holds for digital marketing.

If we look at some of the biggest tensions, opportunities and dynamics going on where all these technology trends intersect—and if we look at where many of the largest marketing war chests are already being spent—it isn’t all that difficult to see where some of the most compelling narratives are going to emerge around technology in 2015. Here are a few of the overarching technology storylines that will unfold this year—and that will give technology companies of…

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Filed under Lori Gama

Dusting Off the Cobwebs of This Blog

Instead of “retiring” this blog, I’ve decided to dust off the cobwebs and bring it back to life by writing about topics that interest me enormously.

With my other blogs, I write about social media marketing and all the different platforms within it; SEO; local search; and web design for the business owner audience.

Here, I will write purely for me, in hopes that others (like YOU, maybe) might find my articles interesting enough to read and maybe even share, if you want to (no pressure, really).

Topics I get super excited about (besides the ones I cover in my other blogs):

  • AI
  • Data
  • Data Analysis to solve problems
  • The Future
  • Technology
  • Patterns in our culture, in ourselves, in our physical environment and how these fit into big patterns
  • Predicting the Future by Using Data Analysis
  • Movies
  • Writers, Artists, Inventors
  • Drones
  • Video
  • Our Transforming World (on a broad basis and on a minutia basis)

I enjoy learning new things related to how and why humans behave the way we do, so if you have a subject you think I might be interested in, please suggest it. Thanks for reading!

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Filed under Lori Gama

The 5 stories that defined the big data market in 2014

I’m convinced that Data Analysis is the closest thing we’ll have to AI. In fact, I think that it IS Artificial Intelligence. It reveals SO much. All we need to do is know what patterns to look for and what questions to ask of it. Here’s a reblogged article from about the top 5 stories that defined the big data market in 2014.


There is no other way to put it: 2014 was a huge year for the big data market. It seems years of talk about what’s possible are finally giving way to some real action on the technology front — and there’s a wave of cash following close behind it.

Here are the five stories from the past year that were meaningful in their own rights, but really set the stage for bigger things to come. We’ll discuss many of these topics in depth at our Structure Data conference in March, but until then feel free to let me know in the comments what I missed, where I went wrong or why I’m right.

5. Satya Nadella takes the reins at Microsoft

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has long understood the importance of data to the company’s long-term survival, and his ascendance to the top spot ensures Microsoft won’t lose sight of that. Since Nadella…

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Filed under Lori Gama

Read My Blog at

Hey there! Thanks for coming to my old blog.

I began my new blog a few years ago. You’ll find my latest posts there:

Also, join my eZine so you get my latest updates on content marketing, SEO, social media, blogging, video marketing and more online visibility tips.


Lori Gama holding her mobile phone

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Filed under Digital Marketing, Hispanic Heritage, Latina Women In Business, Lori Gama, Social Networking

Social Media Was Meant For Times Like These

Right now, it is 45 minutes before a Tsunami wave is set to hit the Hawaiian Islands. It’s been several hours since the earthquake in Chile, in which it is estimated that 500,000 people have been displaced from their homes. And I’m on Twitter and Facebook and listening to live streamed video on my laptop at my kitchen table in Colorado. The TV in the living room is tuned to CNN but I am more in tune with these stories because I’m monitoring my Social Media sites. In fact, I am in tune with the eye witnesses of the Chile earthquake, and have read a blog post by someone who experienced the earthquake and wrote about it right afterwards, thanks to a Twitter friend, @efrainortizjr, who posted it in his blog and tweeted it.

I’ve been re-tweeting tweets from @Mashable; @CNNbrk; @HawaiiRedCross; @epiccolorado and joined a group in Facebook called Supporting Chile Earthquake / Tsunami Victims and Families where residents of Chile and Hawaiian Islands are posting about what they are seeing going on in their parts of the world.  I’ve let my followers in Twitter and friends in Facebook know about all of these resources so they, too, can stay informed.

@epiccolorado’s Twitter bio says: EPIC is a research effort at CU and UCI to support the information needs by members of the public during times of mass emergency. EPIC was asking, today in Twitter, for Spanish Tweeters to help them:

I re-tweeted their tweet to my followers and sure enough, a friend I had met in D.C. last November at the LATISM Social Media conference, happened to see my tweet:

@eRomanMe ended up helping @epiccolorado. Here are some of the tweets between them at (click on “Show conversation”.)

I can hear my TV, from my living room, and CNN just lost its feed in Hawaii but my live stream on my laptop via (who is streaming it from UStream) is still going. My live stream from Chile (via UStream) is still sending images of the aftershocks as they are happening. My Twitter stream of PEOPLE, of course, is still keeping me informed, too, via different hashtags (#chile; #tsunami, etc).

Though I’m praying for everyone, I think my Hawaiian friends will be safe because they have had plenty of warning and there is a full moon which means a low tide. Hopefully, the Tsunami will not be as bad as it could have been. The people of Chile are in need of help right now, just like the people of Haiti last month. During the writing of this, I learned, from @Mashable, that Google launched a Chile Person finder app. You can enter the name of a person you’re looking for OR you can post information you have about a particular person.

Social Media was meant for times like these. Sure, there are people tweeting about what they ate for breakfast today while other people in the world don’t know where they’re going to sleep tonight, let alone when they will get to eat again. But Social Media is like that: it’s made up of the thoughts, hopes, and dreams of millions and millions of people going about their daily lives. Some of us are shopping. Some of us are surviving. And some of us are praying.


Filed under Lori Gama, Social Networking

Your Google Profile is Your Social Hub

Everyone Googles their own name, right?

That’s great that you’re doing this. You’re taking the first step of monitoring your Online Reputation. Before a company decides to do business with you or even to just reach out to you and say hello, they are Googling your name and your company name to see what they find.

Here’s a HOT tip that will help you and your Online Reputation: Be sure to go to: and create your FREE Google Profile.

Create a great first impression when people Google your name by creating  your Google profile. It’s your social hub.

Benefits of a Google Profile:

  • If you have a common name, no one will ever be confused again because your photo and Google profile link show up as a search result.
  • Use it as your “Social Network” headquarters: list all links to your Social Network profiles; your blog; your website; your products you sell, such as ecourses.
  • Write an entertaining and informative biography in the “About” section so that you create a great first impression when people Google your name and visit your profile.

Side note: something kind of fun to do is to type “me” into Google’s search box after you’ve launched your Google profile. You’ll see your profile at the top of the page.

Part of your ongoing Online Reputation management is to simply keep creating positive links back to you. Then, IF anything negative should ever come up in the future, people can clearly see it’s an exception rather than the norm.


Filed under Lori Gama, Social Networking

Ana Lydia Ochoa: Inspirational Latina PR Pro

Ana Lydia has been nationally recognized as a communications leader since establishing her agency, padma, in 2006. Padma was the first ethnic PR/marketing agency focused on reaching bilingual, acculturated US Hispanic consumers.  In 2007, Ana Lydia further established the agency as a communications leader with the addition of online and social media capabilities and multi-ethnic outreach capabilities reaching South Asians.  Today, Ana Lydia has secured a creative and entrepreneurial team to lead multicultural, non-traditional outreach strategies for a diverse roster of clients, including Americas United Bank, Corona Extra, Mervyn’s, Time Warner Cable, Macy*s, The Liver Foundation, to name a few.  Check out her website: padma media and marketing.  Follow Ana on Twitter. Ana graciously set aside time for this interview.

Where did you grow up and how did your upbringing and environment contribute to the person you are today?

I am the first born daughter to Mexican immigrant parents. I was born and mostly raised in the San Fernando Valley, Southern California. Although both of my parents worked early in my life, by the age of nine, and three siblings later, my mother stayed home and raised us – my father worked and was continually promoted at work.

During the school year we maintained a very strict routine at home of minimal television, classical music during dinner – always with the entire family – homework sessions with my parents, outdoor activities, reading and art. Although my family is highly educated and very successful by all accounts in both the US and Mexico, we were never allowed to rest in our laurels. We were given three choices: Go to college, go to college or go to college!

At home, we were raised speaking –perfect- Spanish and English outside the home. During the summer we vacationed in various regions of Mexico perfecting our Spanish, learning about the Mexican culture, traveling throughout the country and spending time with our extended family.

In my pre-teens, my parents uprooted the entire household and moved to Guadalajara, Mexico, where we attended the leading Catholic private school in the city. We lived in Guadalajara for close to five years and vacationed in the US after the ending of each school year.

By the time we returned to the US, I was in my last year of Junior High and had to quickly adjust to a new school only to leave it behind less than a year later. My high school education was only the means to enter college.

When I recount my story I can’t help but notice how I was never given the option to fail, do any less than great and appreciate the beauty of my Mexican heritage.

Who were your role models as you were growing up and how did they affect you?

Thankfully, TV was limited growing up – limiting childhood idols based on what the media portrayed. My parents discussed politics, art, music, business and family in our household. Our role models were real – they continue to be real. From my paternal grandparents, who would do anything for my dad and his siblings to go to school, to my maternal grandmother that proved that with ganas you could have a successful business, to my various aunts, uncles, cousins and twice-removed relatives that prove that everyone has equal opportunities to succeed – and lastly, my parents. They not only raised four college-educated children, but they showed us to aim high. Success is limitless.

At what point in life did you realize your inner strength and fortitude?

My parents never gave us an option to fail. Although strict and Catholic, I knew from a very young age that I could do anything I put my heart to – as long as I worked hard. As my mother constantly reminds me, “?Si otros pueden, tu porque no?”

Given the recent study done on U.S. Latina high school students’ drop-out rate of 41% , what’s your advice for Latina(o)/Hispanic students who are in high school or college? New Report Addresses Reasons for 41 Percent Dropout Rate Among Latina High School Students

I strongly believe that parents have the ability to help their children succeed in school. Depending on the school system or blaming children for not having ganas has more to do with how they are raised, and less to do with their peers. Parents need to get involved. If they aren’t, professional Latinos/Latinas need to get involved with our teens to work on curbing this horrible statistic.

What’s your advice for those who may have already dropped out of high school or college?

Don’t focus on your mistakes, work towards the future that you want and know you deserve. Nothing will be handed to you, you have it in you to make it happen. Trust yourself and believe that anything you want – anything – is possible with the right attitude.

Why did you launch your business?

After being laid off in late summer 2006 I began consulting to supplement my unemployment check. And, although I offered various jobs, most of them required me to move out of state. This was not an option being that my father had recently passed and during my job search my mother was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer.

As I continued to interview, my consulting practice grew and within a month I landed my first big project – leading PR efforts for the opening of California first Hispanic-owned business bank.

My projects varied, past co-workers and contacts continued to refer business, and in January 2007 I officially launched padma media and marketing.

What is your UVP (Uniqe Value Propisition)?

We focus on reaching bilingual, acculturated ethnic markets – people just like us! We know how to reach diverse markets, because WE ARE that market.

Describe your ideal client or project or give one or two case studies so that people can clearly understand how you’ve helped clients.

We service the marketing communication needs of Fortune 500 companies and non-profits with a focus on fashion, beauty, entertainment, food/restaurant and consumer products

What other services does your company provide?

We are a holistic agency, meaning, we present our clients with comprehensive plans that include diverse tools to best reach their intended target market. Those tools include public relations/publicity, social media outreach, relationship building, special event and marketing.

How does your Latina heritage help you achieve your goals?

Being Latina doesn’t make me better or less qualified. But, it does provide me with real life insight that I constantly tap into when creating plans for our clients.

What would you like to say to companies who are thinking of marketing to Latina(o)s/Hispanics but aren’t sure of what to do first?

Thank you! You will be pleasantly surprised to learn about the various options to reach target markets/niche consumers ready to learn about your product/service. You may also be excited to learn that you have options when hiring/contracting an agency to help you best reach your consumer outreach goals.

Although we all (may) have the same consumer goal, each agency has a different style, philosophy and motivation. Be open to interview and hire both small/boutique agencies as well as large/international firms.

What would you like people to remember about you after you’ve passed on (many, many years from now)?

It was all about the passion and the lack of fear in failing, whether in my personal or professional life.


Filed under Lori Gama